Welcome to the
Central Library
of Jadavpur University

Jadavpur University Library was started along with the establishment of the University in 1955 in order to cater the academic and research needs of the faculty, research scholars, students, officers and non-teaching staff. Since then, the University Library has gone from strength to strength to live up to the expectations of its immediate clientele...    more

Contact Us

Information Scientist
Jadavpur University, West Bengal
Phone: 033 24146460/6866
Email: informationscientist@jadavpuruniversity.in

Salt Lake Campus Library,
Jadavpur University, West Bengal
Phone: 033 23356578
Email: librarian.sl@jadavpuruniversity.in

Chief Librarian
Jadavpur University, West Bengal
Phone: 033 24146460/6866
Email: chieflibrarian@jadavpuruniversity.in